POWER for every one
Light your community
Water For Better Live
SOLAR technology pumping system
The Future energy for the wold
Residential electricity
Light power your home
Industrial Solution for every sectors
Make your country greater

Product We Supply


  1. Electrical Enclosures AND distribution panel
  2. Electrical Cables (LV ,MV), Cable Accessories
  3. Cable Terminations and Cable Jointing Systems
  4. Electrical Compact Substations

    iv.1 Packaged Substation Buildings

    iv.2 Mobile Substations

    iv.3 Kiosk Substations

    iv.4 Skid Mounted Substations

  5. Transformer
    • v.1 Power Transformers
    • v.2 Distribution Transformers
  6. DC Chargers and UPS systems
  7. LV AND MV Regulators
  8. Low Voltage Generator and synchronization system
  9. Medium Voltage Switchgear (12,33) KV

    ix.1 Ring main unit

    ix.    GIS Switchgear

    • ix.3 Indoor Metal Enclosed Type Switchgear
    • ix.4 Withdrawals Indoor Metal Clad Switchgear
  10. Other Products